the Deutschland-Semesterticket has been available at RPTU in Kaiserslautern since the winter semester 2024/25. In a ballot vote at the beginning of the summer semester 2024, the students voted in favor of it.
With the following survey, we would like to find out more about your mobility behavior, the use of the semester ticket and your opinion on the price increase of the Deutschland-Semesterticket from the winter semester 2025/26 from currently 176.40 euros to 208.80 euros.
First of all, we would like to find out more about your choice of transportation on the way to university. Then we would like to know whether you have purchased the Deutschland-Semesterticket at all, how you use it and whether your use of public transport has changed compared to previous semesters. Then we ask about your attitude towards the price increase of the Deutschland-Semesterticket and ticket acceptance in general. Finally, we have three questions about you.
This survey does not contain any mandatory fields. You can skip individual questions.
Your participation in this survey will help us to better understand the acceptance of the price change and your attitude towards the semester ticket.
You can take part in this survey without giving your name and without registering.
The data protection regulations apply.
The survey runs until February 7.