At its session on 22 July 2024, the Student Parliament adopted a new contribution regulation. The new regulation will come into force retroactively from 1 July 2024 following the approval by the Presidential Board of RPTU as the legal supervisory authority. The previous contribution regulation will cease to apply.
The contractual changes associated with the new Deutschland-Semesterticket from winter semester 2024/25 have meant that the collection of contributions for the semester ticket will become the responsibility of the student body (The Studierendenwerk was responsible for the current semester ticket).
Semester contribution
The new contribution regulation take over the previous student body contribution of 15.00 euros, including the allocation of at least 2.00 euros for student sports. The semester ticket contribution of 176.40 euros is now new. This brings the semester contribution to 191.40 euros. This must be paid on first enrolment and re-registration.
Deutschland-Semesterticket: Obligation to purchase and exemptions
With regard to the Deutschland-Semesterticket, regulations have been made for the entitlement to purchase and exemption from the obligation to purchase. All properly enrolled students and doctoral students are obliged to purchase the ticket. The following are not entitled to the Deutschland-Semesterticket
- guest students,
- secondary students who are entitled to a Deutschland-Semesterticket at their home university,
- distance learning students and
- persons who are enrolled as early students.
The following persons can be exempted from the obligation to purchase and may receive a refund:
- disabled students and doctoral students who are entitled to transport in accordance with SGB IX and can prove that they are in possession of the supplementary sheet to their severely disabled person's pass and the corresponding token,
- students and doctoral students on leave of absence for the respective semester of leave,
- students and doctoral students who can prove that they are spending a semester abroad for a minimum period of three months in the semester in which they are required to take leave,
- students and doctoral students who can prove that they are studying or doing their doctorate at RPTU for less than three months in the semester for which they are required to take leave,
- students and doctoral students who can prove that they are in receipt of a network ticket at another university in Germany,
- students and doctoral students who fall under the provisions of Section 67 (4) sentences 1 and 2 of the HochSchG, in particular within the framework of university alliances and cooperations, provided that the cooperation agreement contains an exemption from purchasing a semester ticket.
In the event of an exemption and contribution refund, the right to purchase and use the Germany Semester Ticket automatically ends or expires. A refund must be requested from the Student Service Centre by the last day of the first month of the semester at the latest.
Further new regulations
The new contribution regulation provides further new regulations. Early students are now also exempt from the obligation to pay the student body contriubtion. A refund of the semester contribution is possible for all in the event of exmatriculation and an application for a refund to the Student Service Centre by the last day of the first month of the semester.