Ballot Vote: Result

10,528 students were called to vote in the ballot on the introduction of the “Deutschland-Semesterticket” from April 29 to May 3. The yes/no question put to the vote was:

Soll die Studierendenschaft für die Studierenden der RPTU in Kaiserslautern das vergünstigte "Deutschlandticket" als Semesterticket im Solidarmodell einführen?


2,760 students exercised their right to vote. The voter turnout is therefore 26.2 percent. The motion to be decided by the ballot vote is accepted if more than 20 percent of students cast their vote and a simple majority of the votes cast are in favor of the motion. The number of valid ballot papers is 2,758, with the following numbers of votes cast for the Yes, No and Abstention voting options:


The motion put to the vote is therefore adopted. The “Deutschland-Semesterticket” must therefore be introduced as the student body's semester ticket as soon as possible, replacing the previous “VRN-Semesterticket + Westpfalz”. The AStA is aiming to introduce it for the coming winter semester.

Voter turnout

Fachschaft¹ Students Voter Turnout²  
    absolute relative
MAT 437 206 47,1%
PHY 505 200 39,6%
CHE 380 172 45,3%
BIO 643 259 40,3%
INF 1.371 489 35,7%
MV 1.265 392 31,0%
EIT 633 188 29,7%
SoWi 2.214 139 6,3%
WiWi 1.487 199 13,4%
ARC 565 200 35,4%
RU 392 156 39,8%
BI 570 123 21,6%
sonst 66 17 25,8%
Total 10.528 2.760 26,2%

¹ MAT: Mathematik; PHY: Physik; CHE: Chemie; BIO: Biologie; INF: Informatik; MV: Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik; EIT: Elektro- und Informationstechnik; SoWi: Sozialwissenschaften; WiWi: Wirtschaftswissenschaften; ARC: Architektur; RU: Raum- und Umweltplanung; BI: Bauingenieurwesen; sonst: Studienkolleg, Deutschkurse, RPTUzero

² The total voter turnout by Fachschaft (students of a department) does not correspond to the total voter turnout. 20 more ballot papers were counted than the number of votes recorded in the electoral register. The voter turnout by faculty is based on the voters recorded in the electoral register who cast their votes. A corresponding note was apparently not made for 20 people when they cast their vote.